
Minimum Data Set (MDS)

Source: Achieve Healthcare Information Systems
Minimum Data Set (MDS) communicates the Case Mix and other necessary information to the PathLinks financial applications for UB-92 billing
Minimum Data Set (MDS) communicates the Case Mix and other necessary information to the PathLinks financial applications for UB-92 billing. The assessment information can be entered by multiple assessors and compared to previous assessment data. You can track, by section or specific item, the assessor and data input person for any assessment. Assessors can preview preliminary RAP and Case Mix at any point in the assessment process. The MDS also provides an assessment scheduler to track assessment due dates for PPS and other assessment types. You can set specific section defaults so as you exit and enter the assessment, you can go directly to the section desired. A prevision is made to perform logic checks prior to completion of the MDS which alerts you to errors (HCFA edits) and warnings of illogical responses. Responses can be selected from previous MDS assessments or other user-defined assessments. As with all PathLinks applications, you may include resident-specific notes which are available to all selected disciplines interacting with the resident. The application meets all regulatory requirements for submission and retrieval of MDS information.

Resident Roster / Census & Conditions
The Resident Roster Matrix and Census report (HCFA 672 & 802) may be generated and updated at any time. You may select a option to pull information from the most current MDS. When you update data on the screen and "A" indicates those items that are automatically pulled from the MDS. An "M" indications those items that have been manually updated by the clinician.

HCFA Resident Details
Individual resident details can be updated and edited at any time.

HCFA 672 & 802 Reports
You can generate the HCFA 672 and 802 reports, normally required at survey time.

Querying Data to Generate Reports
You have the power to query your data to identify residents with like conditions from your roster or census data. You have the choice to include multiple characteristics by using the ‘and' join or ‘or' to look at varied characteristics. You can also choose all residents in your queries or types of residents.

Roster & Census Data Query Report Examples
Examples of query reports generated from roster information or census data. The reports show resident, room number and the percent of total residents that are included that match the query characteristics set.

Minimum Data Set (MDS)
As you complete the MDS you are prompted to review the sections and items, highlighted in bold type, that impact the RUGs calculations. When copying responses from previous assessments, assessor can validate and review section by section data that has changed or stayed the same from the last assessment. Each assessment is stamped with the current user (the individual handling the data input) and current assessor. The tree view (section listing) on the left of the screen, lets you move quickly between each section of the MDS so you can target specific sections and questions for each part of the MDS.

Triggered RAPs
You can check your RAPs triggered at any point while doing an assessment to view what responses in MDS that has caused the RAP to trigger.

RAP Review
You can conduct a RAP review and add notes form the screen and is assisted by the system bring forth the MDS items from the RAP triggers and RAP guidelines. RAP details provides details that triggered the RAPs and all items in RAP key guidelines. Summary and detailed notes can be added at any point throughout the system. The notes can be shared between disciplines and maintained in the RAP details and other parts of the medical record.

Completing Assessments / Copying Responses
When all assessments are selected to be completed, you have options to copy responses from the most recent or previous assessment as well as from the most recent user-defined assessments.

MDS Due & PPS Schedule Reports
The MDS Due Schedule & PPS Schedule reports are available online or printed out to ensure that you meet the deadlines necessary to comply with regulatory and facility assessment schedules.

MDS 100 Day Schedule
The full 100 day schedule is monitored online for each resident based on regulatory guidelines for assessments.

Submission Due Date Reports
A submission due date report can be retrieved for scheduled assessments.

Logic & Error Checks
Before closing assessments, you can review logic checks and errors that identify questionable MDS responses.

Achieve Healthcare Information Systems, 7690 Golden Triangle Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3732. Tel: 952-995-9800; Fax: 952-995-9735.